Friday, September 08, 2006

Donald Miller and Santa taking a leak

Lalainia and I like to read books together. We are just now finishing a book by Christian writer Donald Miller. Searching for God Knows What is a refreshing book with some great incite onto the way Christians think (and maybe shouldn't) and the dangers of trying to box Jesus, and the entire Bible story, up into little neat tiny boxes bound with formulae.
I encourage anyone who wants to read some thought provoking Christian writing, by an intelligent, well read author, to pick this book up.
While I'm on the topic of stimulating writers, I would also suggest Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell. Again, here is an author who will (for those who grew up in an evangelical environment) challenge you on some of the "axioms" you hold to.
Oh, and if you are wondering about the title of this blog, read Searching for God Knows What.


Ryan said...

What a coincidence! Jenn and I are reading through Searching For God Knows What together as well. It's Jenn's first read through, and my second. It really opened my eyes to the truth behind some essential Christian concepts that I've been missing all these years. I'd have to say that at the moment it's my favorite non-fiction book out there. Although I've not yet read Velvet Elvis (but it's on my list).

xapis said...

Yes, he makes some very good points about the Greco-Western (think I made that up) style of organizing thought, and how that cannot be effective when trying to explain the truths of God and His character. Faith, Love, mercy, are better explained via story or poem.

Kaylee said...

Don Miller totally came and lectured in chapel at Trinity a couple times in the last few years. Have you read "Blue Like Jazz"? It's my favourite by him. He's a fabulous speaker too. So chill.

Love it! I'll have to pick up the one you suggested.

xapis said...

So, chill?
What r u saying?

Haven't read BLJ but have heard it's another great.

Ryan said...

Blue Like Jazz is indeed also fantastic. It was my favorite non-fiction book before reading Searching For God Knows What. I've got it if you'd like to borrow it. I could temporarily trade you for Velvet Elvis!

xapis said...

i won't have time to read BLJ right now (too busy with school work) but I'm happy to lend VE to you on the weekend.