Continuing along the same vein as my last post, I want to encourage some action. There are many simpl things that we can be doing in our community to make a differentce. Maybe not over the whole problem all at once, but little by little person by person. Lalainia and I are sick of talking about it, we want to take some action. Does it bother anyone else that in North America we spend more on ice cream in a year, than it would take to completely abolish world hunger!? That is insane! It is not some way out there, unatainable goal. like we all thought it was in the 80's. It is actually possible.So what are some practical things we can do at home?
One simple idea, is to have a "Rice and Water Meal" either once a week, or once a month. Find some sort of charity, mission, etc., and gather save up money which would have been spent on the former, and give it to this charity. A small sacrifice, but probably worth at least $1000 year, for some of us, much, much, more.
Another idea is to give up one thing every month (eg. going to movies or renting, Starbucks, etc.) and using this money to support a charity or mission. There are plenty of local groups, but I think in this day and age, and with our global village, our neighbours are from further away than they used to be. Africa (as I've mentioned previously) is dying. I would suggest financial help to groups working with AID's victims, or their orphans in Africa. Check some of the links to the right for some ideas.
And please keep your sad judgements/theologies of the suffering and why they are in their predicament to yourself!!
I have never been a devoted fan of Bono, or U2 for that matter.
Now, for those of you who are still reading, let me say this. It is not because I never liked Bono, or U2, I just always felt I didn’t have time for them. Sure they are a great band and have had great endurance, but I have always felt that one has his/her favourite music to listen to (usually chosen late teens early 20’s), and that they follow those artists, without adding too many new ones to the fold. U2 never made the cut for me.
However, I attended a conference this past week of which Bono was a guest (via satellite interview). During his interview with Bill Hybels (pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago) he revealed his heart for the suffering AIDs victims in Africa. Wow, a pop star explaining to the church the injustice in the world. That is a problem.
It is estimated that 8000 people are dying daily of the AIDs crisis. Wives are becoming widows, children are becoming orphans, and mothers are passing their infection to their children, because they have no means of stopping it; no help. We need to wake up. This is not a UN issue, it is not an African issue, it is an issue of our neighbours needing food, and us providing; needing clothing, and us giving; people being sick, and us doing all we can to bring health. After all, whatever we do to the least of these, we are doing to Jesus (he said that).
I find it interesting that in the Hebrew Scriptures, after rejection of God, the worst sin mentioned is the neglection of the poor, the widow, the orphan; allowing injustice. So what are we going to do? Whatever we can!!! Check out come sites and educate yourself on what is going on, and what we can do(ONE, WorldVision, Bread for the World , DATA, etc.). Make some donations. Encourage others to do the same.
For those of you on the other side of the world who are actually looking at this blog to be informed about the family, I apologize.
It has been a pretty interesting summer, full of questions about the future, and blessings. As the boy gets older and more able to communicate, we love him more and more. The last 2 days have been diaper free. Not to say they have been accident free, only diaper free (which makes for some messes). However, he had been fairly consistent with both numbers one and two. His first #2 being so exciting for me, and rather large, that I took a digital photo to show Lalainia, who was out at the time. The picture will not be shown here.
Lalainia has begun to research and brainstorm for her winter production of Fiddler on the Roof. Another directing job with which she will wow and cause people to say, "Man, you can do anything" (well, that's how I feel anyway). She has also bee able to grab a few voice jobs so that we can have a slight summer income. Nice!
My summer has been a little crazy, with emotions and thought processes, unfamiliar to me. After my two week trip to Mexico(during which I felt like God was kind of whispering some new ideas into my ear), Lalainia and I had an opportunity to lead worship at Coquitlam Alliance Church. I was amazed at how comfortable it was to lead. I loved it. The following week, I had the opportunity to preach at a friends church. Again, in the middle of my sermon, I had this moment where I thought to myself, "This feels so right. I should be doing something like this with my life."
These are just a few of a dozen moments over the past month and a half during which I have been urged to think beyond my current life path. It will be a funky adventure to see how this all turns out. Check out some pics from Mexico below.