Sunday, November 26, 2006

No..Really......I'm posting!!!

Well, after 2 months of silence, I have returned........(moment for those of you faithful to my blog posts in the past, to stand back up).
I have been extremely busy over the past two months; getting my life in order, meeting with people much wiser than myself, and making changes, both in my spiritual life and in my future professional goals.
After months of silence about what was going on in my life, I can now announce that as of December 11, 2006, I will be taking up my position as Pastor of Creative Arts and Young Adults at Coquitlam Alliance Church in ...................Coquitlam. This move for myself and my family could not have been made more clear if a banner had been floating in mid air outside our home.
After a missions trip in late June / early July, in which I was face to face with hands on ministry (something I had placed aside 8 years ago), and flooded with a strong sense that I needed to get back on that track. After much prayer and suggesting that Lalainia do the same, I arrived home to find a very loving and supportive wife, regardless of what I decided to do. What a relief that was!!
After a few weeks of wondering what all this meant, and discussing several scenarios with Lalainia, I was approached and asked if I might be interested in ministry at my church (should the occasion ever arrive). YES!!, I thought, having no idea when this might be. However, after a shorter time than I had anticipated, it became clear that I could very possibly be holding a pastoral position at my own church soon.
So, after getting my credentials and talking to all the really important people, I've been given the thumbs up.
My next "hurdle" was to let my current boss know. Although I was unsure of how he might take the news (plus my wish to make my move as quick as possible) he could not have been more supportive and encouraging. Further, the meeting of the board to allow me to leave before my contract was up (which was until June) was also full of understanding.
So, here I am 2 weeks from my new job; excited, scared and eager. Remember Lalainia, Caedence, and myself in your prayers.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Don't Walk away, Daddy. Don't walk away.

Well, after many years of trying to educate those around me on the importance of taking time out for family, to relax and tune in, it appears I will have to take some of my own medicine.
Lalainia is working hard on Fiddler on the Roof, these days, and I have been getting more and more involved with my church; meeting with several groups during the week. This means that at times we have been two ships passing in the night. Saying hello and goodbye seemingly in the same breath.
On top of this, Caede has had his first nightmare; and here it is.

I was walking away from him. As I'm walking away, he is calling my name asking me to stay. Rather than respond, I simply continue walking, ignoring his pleas. I then (with him continuing his screaming for me to stay) get into a car and drive off.

Later in the day, my lovely wife calls me and puts him on the phone to tell me his dream. When he is finished describing it to me, he begins to whimper, as he repeats over and over, "Don't walk away daddy. Don't walk away."
Thanks dear!! Made my day!
I needed to make some changes. I have several appointments on my schedule over the next few weeks(in fact I read an email immediately following my conversation with Caede that asked for two more within the next few days).

Some of them will be cancelled. I like the people who I had planned to meet with, but I can't have my son feeling like I'm walking away from him; even for a short time.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ah, me boy!!

Rather than write out everything my love did on her blog, I'll simply suggest you follow this link and check out her photos of my boy on his first trip to pre-school.
Oops! I just realized that the pic doesn't say I'm a proud dad, it says, I'm proud OF Dad. Well, I'm not changing it now.

Monday, September 11, 2006

What's in a name?

That's right, I've changed the name. After several months (and turning Lalainia on to her own blog) I have realized that this is definitely not a family blog. It's not like we sit down to a Brady-style family meeting to decide what goes on here. Therefore, I will have mine, Lalainia hers, and when jr. gets older, he can have his. If they even exist any more!
Sure I had big plans; plans of a unified family posting on a family blog. But alas, it was just a pipe dream. Lalainia does not see this blog as fit to post on, thus she only posts on her own (which if you want a good laugh, you ought to check out).
The name is of course temporary(taken from the freaky Irish guy in Braveheart). As this blog implies, I titled it too quickly last time. I will not make that mistake again. So please send me your comments/suggestions for a blog title that truly represents all that is Brad!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Donald Miller and Santa taking a leak

Lalainia and I like to read books together. We are just now finishing a book by Christian writer Donald Miller. Searching for God Knows What is a refreshing book with some great incite onto the way Christians think (and maybe shouldn't) and the dangers of trying to box Jesus, and the entire Bible story, up into little neat tiny boxes bound with formulae.
I encourage anyone who wants to read some thought provoking Christian writing, by an intelligent, well read author, to pick this book up.
While I'm on the topic of stimulating writers, I would also suggest Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell. Again, here is an author who will (for those who grew up in an evangelical environment) challenge you on some of the "axioms" you hold to.
Oh, and if you are wondering about the title of this blog, read Searching for God Knows What.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Rice and Water

Continuing along the same vein as my last post, I want to encourage some action. There are many simpl things that we can be doing in our community to make a differentce. Maybe not over the whole problem all at once, but little by little person by person. Lalainia and I are sick of talking about it, we want to take some action.

Does it bother anyone else that in North America we spend more on ice cream in a year, than it would take to completely abolish world hunger!? That is insane! It is not some way out there, unatainable goal. like we all thought it was in the 80's. It is actually possible.

So what are some practical things we can do at home?

One simple idea, is to have a "Rice and Water Meal" either once a week, or once a month. Find some sort of charity, mission, etc., and gather save up money which would have been spent on the former, and give it to this charity. A small sacrifice, but probably worth at least $1000 year, for some of us, much, much, more.

Another idea is to give up one thing every month (eg. going to movies or renting, Starbucks, etc.) and using this money to support a charity or mission. There are plenty of local groups, but I think in this day and age, and with our global village, our neighbours are from further away than they used to be. Africa (as I've mentioned previously) is dying. I would suggest financial help to groups working with AID's victims, or their orphans in Africa. Check some of the links to the right for some ideas.

And please keep your sad judgements/theologies of the suffering and why they are in their predicament to yourself!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bono's Mission to the Church

I have never been a devoted fan of Bono, or U2 for that matter.

Now, for those of you who are still reading, let me say this. It is not because I never liked Bono, or U2, I just always felt I didn’t have time for them. Sure they are a great band and have had great endurance, but I have always felt that one has his/her favourite music to listen to (usually chosen late teens early 20’s), and that they follow those artists, without adding too many new ones to the fold. U2 never made the cut for me.

However, I attended a conference this past week of which Bono was a guest (via satellite interview). During his interview with Bill Hybels (pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago) he revealed his heart for the suffering AIDs victims in Africa. Wow, a pop star explaining to the church the injustice in the world. That is a problem.

It is estimated that 8000 people are dying daily of the AIDs crisis. Wives are becoming widows, children are becoming orphans, and mothers are passing their infection to their children, because they have no means of stopping it; no help. We need to wake up. This is not a UN issue, it is not an African issue, it is an issue of our neighbours needing food, and us providing; needing clothing, and us giving; people being sick, and us doing all we can to bring health. After all, whatever we do to the least of these, we are doing to Jesus (he said that).

I find it interesting that in the Hebrew Scriptures, after rejection of God, the worst sin mentioned is the neglection of the poor, the widow, the orphan; allowing injustice. So what are we going to do? Whatever we can!!! Check out come sites and educate yourself on what is going on, and what we can do(ONE, WorldVision, Bread for the World , DATA, etc.). Make some donations. Encourage others to do the same.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I Think, Therefore I'm Frustrated!

For those of you on the other side of the world who are actually looking at this blog to be informed about the family, I apologize.

It has been a pretty interesting summer, full of questions about the future, and blessings. As the boy gets older and more able to communicate, we love him more and more. The last 2 days have been diaper free. Not to say they have been accident free, only diaper free (which makes for some messes). However, he had been fairly consistent with both numbers one and two. His first #2 being so exciting for me, and rather large, that I took a digital photo to show Lalainia, who was out at the time. The picture will not be shown here.

Lalainia has begun to research and brainstorm for her winter production of Fiddler on the Roof. Another directing job with which she will wow and cause people to say, "Man, you can do anything" (well, that's how I feel anyway). She has also bee able to grab a few voice jobs so that we can have a slight summer income. Nice!

My summer has been a little crazy, with emotions and thought processes, unfamiliar to me. After my two week trip to Mexico(during which I felt like God was kind of whispering some new ideas into my ear), Lalainia and I had an opportunity to lead worship at Coquitlam Alliance Church. I was amazed at how comfortable it was to lead. I loved it. The following week, I had the opportunity to preach at a friends church. Again, in the middle of my sermon, I had this moment where I thought to myself, "This feels so right. I should be doing something like this with my life."

These are just a few of a dozen moments over the past month and a half during which I have been urged to think beyond my current life path. It will be a funky adventure to see how this all turns out.

Check out some pics from Mexico below.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Everyone Loves Gin!!

No, not the drink. Although I've heard that some love that too. Our good friend, and Auntie Gin to Caedence, has (like all our other dear friends and family) left us for the summer. She is Down Under. Carolyn, have an awesome time. Keep us up to date on your awesome adventures. We love ya!!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Camping 2006

The family had a great camping trip up at Cultus Lake. Lalainia's sister, and her sister's husband and son came along, also. Spent 2 nights and 3 extremely hot days. Although the mornings were a comfortable temperature until about 11:00 AM (because we were surrounded by trees), the afternoons were crazy hot, and were spent driving into Chilliwack to find refuge in a Dairy Queen or an air conditioned dollar store. Then, at about 3-4pm we would make our way back to the lake for some swimming, and dinner by the fire.
Lalainia and I had a great time with the little guy, and he was sad to have to leave. We plan on going up again before the summer is over.
I must say evenings with the family, in front of a camp fire, are pretty much irreplaceable.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Saul Alonzo Update!

Here's a new updated picture of our little guy Saul Alonzo that we sponsor through World Vision.

We received a letter from his mother and himself telling us more about him. He said in the letter that he wanted to be an excellent lawyer when he grew up -- too cute!

We also received a tracing of his hand (he's a year older then Caedence).

Please, if anyone is remotely interested in sponsoring a child, check out the World Vision link that Brad has put in the margin of this page. It is SO worth the small amount of money that it takes to see how it changes a child and a family's life!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mexico Pics

About the Trip

Well, it has been a great week. Being with my family has been very refreshing. There is a part of me that misses Mexico, but obviously, the faces of Lalainia and Caedence were on my mind throughout my trip.

For those of you wondering what the team actually did in Mexico, let me explain.
For the first week, we spent half the day working on building a farm house and clearing land for farming. Pastor Tomas Bencomo, from Juarez, has a heart for the Tarahumaran people of southern Chuihuahua. In order to teach them better farming techniques, he invites them 5 hours north to Rio Chico (his base of operations), has them live with him for several months, then sends them back to their people with a better farming techniques, a handful of pigs, a mule, and the knowledge of the Gospel. The farm we were building was for those he was teaching.

While in Mexico, I had the opportunity to preach in a small community called Pena Blanca (White Rock). It was quite an experience teaching with a translator, pausing for each sentence, so that Brenda(our guide, translator, and good friend) could translate for me. I also made some quick changes to my sermon, as I figured many of my illustrations were cultural in nature, and may have confused rather than enlightened.

On the day before we left Mexico, we found ourselves in Ciudad de Juarez; a city close to Vancouver in its size. Since Pastor Tomas was informed (by whom I still do not know) that I HAD a short career in music, he asked if I would sing at his church. After much prodding, and since I though his church would be similar in size to all the others we visited in Mexico (approx. 30) I agreed. However, when I walked into the church I found there to be more along the lines of 300 people. I was immediately nervous, but they were kind (it was my first "performance" of a song for which I played guitar). So it was a growing experience.
The Second week, we drove 6 hours further south, near the town of Creel. From there we drove 2-3 hours (lost all sense of time) driving off road. At times on pure rock, and at an angle I feared we would not be able to stop on. After this, and a night of rest we hiked further into the bush to deliver food to the Tarahumaran.
The hike itself was probably the biggest test of my will, and stamina I have ever experienced. Several were carried our via mule.

Check the post above for more shots of my trip; our work on the farm, some of the environments we traveled through, and some of the critters we encountered.

Friday, July 14, 2006

In the words of the sappiest Gospel song of all time: Pray for Me

I know that many of you who read our family blog are "people of faith", and with that in mind, I have a request. PRAY FOR US.
The past year and a half, have been a little confusing for me. I have the continual feeling that I should be doing something different with my life. This of course manifests itself by me telling Lalainia every second week that I have a new goal set, or a new idea for a carreer that is so obvious that I cannot believe I've missed it. I feel that I am suffering from MPD, with a head full of ideas one day and a new set the next. This, I feel, is totally unfair to my family. But the bottom line is I believe that I was meant to be doing more than I am doing right now.

This feeling, is perhaps never stronger than when I return from a trip such as the one I have just returned from. Whenever, I find myself involved in a ministry, whether preaching, or working on a missions trip, working in youth ministry, praying with someone, etc, I feel at home.

Over the next little while Lalainia and I will be asking a lot of God: clarity, understanding, wisdom, maybe I'll even become Gideon enough to ask for a blatant sign, so that I don't really need to think about it. I also plan on asking for some advice from those much smarter than I am; pastors, parents, missionaries, etc.

So, please remember us in your prayers. Especially Lalainia, my extremely patient, loving "stand by your man" woman. Pray that God's will (I am very uncomfortable using that word, as I am not completely sure what it means) will be evident.

Here are some more shots from my Mexico trip.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Back Home!

I am sitting in the Phoenix airport reevaluating my life. Not in some big major way, but in the same way I do every time I return from a short term missions trip. I have met people who are satisfied with very little. Who when giving simple gifts, like frizbees and toothpaste, had no idea how such things were used.
I met a man who has made it his life goal to reach a group of natives who still live in the wilderness, dying of starvation; physically and spiritually. I have met people who once or twice a month travel 18 hours, (3 of which are on mountain road unsuitable for anything but an all terrain vehicle beyond human comprehension), and 5 hours of which are hiking through jungle, down a canyon, four times deeper than the Grand Canyon (and back up again), in order to reach these people with food and the gospel.
What am I doing?

I have many stories, and many pictures to post, but since my time is limited here, I will leave it at this.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Summer Fun!

Well, Brad is off to Mexico! He's been away 4 days and there has been a few "Where's Daddy?" and particularily "I want my Daddy." from Caedence. But besides the odd blue moment for both Mommy and 'T'aedence, we are doing quite well!

We've been with Grandma and Grandpa (different than Nanna and Papa), in South Surrey for the past couple of days. I have had evening rehearsals for Broadway Pops so they have watched Caedence for me. Last night he also had a special treat when his two cousins 'Dita' (Krystina) and 'Telsey' (Kelsey) watched him.

During the day yesterday we (myself, Caedence, Grandma and Grandpa) headed out to Cresent Beach. Caedence was extremely excited at the prospect of digging for 'cwabs' (or crabs). It was a gorgeous day, but actually a little chilly by the water. We dug for crabs (found and captured 6 babies), made some sand castles, threw some rocks and then ended up sharing some fries!

Before we left I explained that he had to let the 'cwabs' go as this was their house, so Grandpa took him down to the water and put them back in the sand. Good times were had by all!

Thought I'd share a few pictures of our escapade!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Chiuaua: Where the yappy dogs run free!

Tomorrow morning 4:45 am, my ride picks me up, we head to the church to start our day long trek to Juarez, Mexico. We drive to Seattle, fly to El Paso (via phoenix), and drive across the border into Juarez. I tried to convince my ride to go by Tim Horton's 24 hour for a coffee, but no go.
I do not feel completely prepared to leave. I know I am supposed to wait until the end of my trip to be tired, but for some reason, I already feel exhausted (not a great way to start). Also, for some reason I am very anxious about the part I am playing in some of the things we will be doing down there. I'm sure it will all work out, but as for now I'm a little worried.
So remember to keep me in your prayers, and also Lalainia and Caedence as I am away. It will not be easy to be apart.

I kinda love 'em.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tribute to Laurz

Here is a short post, simply to mention our great affection for our good friend Lauren. She has been a fantastic addition to our lives and we are proud to call her our friend. As she is now off to school in the "really large edible, usually rounded fruit" city, she will be greatly missed. While she is away we will miss her beautiful smile and quirky sense of humour (not to mention her amazing voice). If only she could train herself to speak in her Irish lilt whenever she is around us, everything would be perfect (curse those who made fun of it when she first graced our shores).

Love you girl. Be good to yourself and think good thoughts (you know what I'm sayin')

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Almost there!

Well, in two more weeks I head-off for the small village (and I mean small) of Rio Chico, in the north central Mexican province of Chiuaua. I have been brushing up on my Spanish, purchasing my Deep Woods and sun tan lotion, and meeting with my team, making some of the final arrangements. Further to the entire group, I have been meeting with a smaller group with whom I will be running a children's program while there. We are planning for about 200 children to show up daily, ranging from age 3-12. We will be leading them in song (I plan on playing the guitar), teaching bible stories(via an interpreter), crafts, and games. It is going to be a fiesta baby!

Please continue to pray for our preparation as here is much to be done before we leave. I have many exams to oversee at work, an essay to write (I have just started a new course), packing to do, etc, etc. Also, please keep us in your prayers during our trip (June 26-July 10). Pray for our safety, our strength, and our ability to be used for God while in Mexico.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Event!

Many thanks to all of you who took the time to show up and celebrate Caedence's birthday with us. Who would have thought that time could fly by so fast with 6 or 7 little ones running around our apartment like home. Of course, their minds were entranced by the South American Political poster of El Presidente Caedence (see above).
An extra special thanks goes out to all of you for not purchasing any toys that have "midi" sounds(if you do not have kids get anyone with a 3 year old to explain). The sounds of cars revving, plastic saxophones blasting, even the sweet sound of tank engines "toot-tooting" are welcome sounds in this house.
Besides the reason we got together, it is always nice to see those we promise once a year to "not be like we were last year, when we only saw each other once the entire year." Maybe that is one of the extra "perks" of having children; an excuse to visit with those we love to visit with, but who live "all the way in town!"
On another note, it was good that you all left when you did. Within an hour of everyone leaving, I began to get the shivers and my throat got swollen. Hope this was not the case with anyone else(?).
Please enjoy the pictures above!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Take a Break (A Short Rant)

I have been around many stressed people over the past few weeks. Frustrated, angry, tired; everyone seems at the end of their rope. This is just a post to encourage all to TAKE A BREAK!!
Work hard, but then relax hard. Many of us are far too involved in things that will not mean squat in a year or two (meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless). We should be investing in long term; important things like family relationships, friends, our children, God.

Learn to say "no" once and a while, because others cannot and will not say it for you.
And for those of you who are defining yourselves by how much you can accomplish, you are really missing the point.

Okay, I'm done.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Member of the Family

After talking about it for quite a long while, Lul and I finally decided to sponsor a child from World Vision. We are now sponsoring a 3 year old boy (same age as our son) named Saul Alonzo Mismit. His picture is on our fridge and we do our best to remember him in our prayers(even our son prays for him).
We would like to encourage others to do the same. It costs very little, but provides so much, not only for the child, but also for the community he/she lives in. It takes less than 5 minutes to start sponsoring a child, and with an automatic payments plan(like we are doing) it is so easy. You can connect to World Vision via the link on the right.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mission to Mexico

On June 26th, I will be leaving for Rio Chico, Mexico, in the province of Chiuaua (where the small, yappy dogs roam free) For the first week, I will be working together with a team from my church(Coquitlam Alliance) to help build a base camp for missionaries who come to the area. During that time we will also be running some programs for the local children(Vacation Bible School, sports camps, etc.)
Our second week, we will travel further into the Copper Canyon in order to bring food to the Tarahumara native group; still living in caves and small shacks and speaking their own native language.
Please pray for my safety during my work in Mexico, and also for wife and son who will (hopefully) be missing husband and daddy. Also, check out the Hungry for Life link to find out more about the work I'll be doing in Mexico, or on the Tarahumara link to learn more about the people we'll be working with.


Lul had planned on working for Theatre Under the Stars this year, not as a lead actor this time, but as director of Grease. However, unfortunately for her (and everybody who will not get to see a fabulously directed performance of Grease) TUTS has been postponed one year. So we are extremely sad to say that our summer will probably involve many sunny summer mornings of sitting together as a family, eating our breakfast, as the warm morning light hits our bistro set in our "English garden-ish" backyard. This of course will be followed by hours of relaxation time with the family, which will then be followed by dinner together (and possibly sitting once again at our bistro set), and a relaxing evening for myself and Lul(after we put the boy to bed) to simply sit back and watch the sunset together or rent a nice romantic movie we've been waiting all year to watch. Man what a rip!!