Monday, August 28, 2006

Rice and Water

Continuing along the same vein as my last post, I want to encourage some action. There are many simpl things that we can be doing in our community to make a differentce. Maybe not over the whole problem all at once, but little by little person by person. Lalainia and I are sick of talking about it, we want to take some action.

Does it bother anyone else that in North America we spend more on ice cream in a year, than it would take to completely abolish world hunger!? That is insane! It is not some way out there, unatainable goal. like we all thought it was in the 80's. It is actually possible.

So what are some practical things we can do at home?

One simple idea, is to have a "Rice and Water Meal" either once a week, or once a month. Find some sort of charity, mission, etc., and gather save up money which would have been spent on the former, and give it to this charity. A small sacrifice, but probably worth at least $1000 year, for some of us, much, much, more.

Another idea is to give up one thing every month (eg. going to movies or renting, Starbucks, etc.) and using this money to support a charity or mission. There are plenty of local groups, but I think in this day and age, and with our global village, our neighbours are from further away than they used to be. Africa (as I've mentioned previously) is dying. I would suggest financial help to groups working with AID's victims, or their orphans in Africa. Check some of the links to the right for some ideas.

And please keep your sad judgements/theologies of the suffering and why they are in their predicament to yourself!!


Laurz said...

i heart you guys

Kaylee said...

I like the idea of giving up something. I just dont ever stick to it. The rice and water meal sounds like a good idea. I can't believe that's all that some people eat (if they have anything). Wow Brad.. lot's to think about.